Cartoon by Boris Rasin, “Blind Justice” via flickr
Chen Guangcheng (FOX TV – LIVE) April 29. 2012 – When blind activist Chen Guangcheng escaped extra-legal detention in China he hid in the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. Days later, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would arrive in the Chinese capital for scheduled talks. In this live report, Fox TV’s Harris Faulkner in New York and Fox News Radio’s Bill Marcus in Shanghai spoke as the story was unfolding.
Miracle in China (FOX TV-LIVE) May. 03, 2011 – Thousands cheered as 115 workers were pulled from a mine. Bill Marcus reporting live from China.
Christian Bosses
France 24: September 10, 2010 – In 2010, China coined the term “Boss Christians” to describe factory owners who use Christianity as a management tool. They benefited, at that time, from Communist Party tolerance of both economic liberalism and religious evangelizing. In this profile from the historically innovative city of Wenzhou, Bill Marcus explains how business and religion in one case have complemented each other.
France 24: The ‘workhouse of the world’ no longer (FRANCE 24-LIVE) July 6. 2011 – While the rest of the world was in recession, China’s economy was booming. But these days, small businesses in China are struggling. Bill Marcus explains why in this report and live chat with a France 24 anchor.
France 24: Your clothes true colors Mar 16, 2012 (Cue to 1:38) At Cowboy City in China the Pearl River has turned a worrying shade of deep blue. The hue is run off from the jeans factories. This report examines the environmental impact of fashion choices.
China Riots (FOX TV-LIVE) July 5, 2009 – When deadly street battles broke out in Xinjiang between Muslim minority and police Fox TV called Bill Marcus to explain why.