Foreign Press, Organizers Clash in China
The spokeswoman attempted to escape the testy exchange by insisting that others would like to ask questions, but an American reporter came to Mr. Thomson’s defense. “I would have liked to hear the answer to that question, and I would have liked to have heard the answer to my question,” a freelance reporter for Fox News Radio, William Marcus, shouted.Read More →
Things Get Testy at Olympic News Conference
THE NEW YORK TIMES, AUG 14, 2008 After some fairly standard questions on drug tests, Bill Marcus of Fox Radio News started to read out a series of cases of Chinese citizens who had gone to the police to apply for permits to protest at one of three sites set up for the purpose during the Games and been arrested or harassed. Read More →
Beijing meets the world at the 2008 Olympics
(HONG KONG, SHANGHAI, BEIJING) JULY, AUGUST, 2008 – China suffocated dissent as Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt broke records to make the Beijing Olympics one of the greatest spectacles of the summer of 2008. Read More →
Chinese weigh-in on US prez contest
(SHANGHAI, CHINA) June 8, 2008 – Chinese know who they want to see become the next U.S. President. Read More →
One man’s battle to hunt down typhoons
The Independent London, UK James Reynolds in Hoi An In September 2006, after experiencing the force of typhoon Xangsane. By BILL MARCUS Asia is facing the most destructive typhoons ever. Bill Marcus meets a British researcher determined to be there when they hit. James Reynolds became convinced that there were evenRead More →
Sending Trade Reps Far East
The Albany Times-Union By BILL MARCUS SHANGHAI – Oliver Lu, the general manager of Niskayuna-based SI Group’s plant here, was outlining plans to Shanghai environmental protection bureau officials last July when he said he thought he saw the blood run out of his listeners’ faces. “They heard ‘formaldehyde,’ and they said,Read More →
Investing in Agricultural Technology
(SHANGHAI BUSINESS REVIEW) FEB, 2007 – Research centres are springing up nationwide to assist China’s upgrading of its agricultural processes and transportation infrastructure.Read More →
The Asia Pacific Century A New Asia
(THE ASIA SOCIETY) DEC 4, 2006 – Since the early 1990s China’s share of foreign R&D spending grew from 0.1 to 3.1 percent.Read More →
Creative Recruiting
(COMPUTERWORLD) NOV 6, 2006 – Four years ago, CEO John Cestar took a novel approach to increasing the skill levels at Freeborders.Read More →
Outsourcing in China
(COMPUTERWORLD) NOV 6, 2006 – Most providers target the burgeoning domestic market, but a few offer a hybrid approach that appeals to the West.
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Bridging the Chinese Skills Gap
(COMPUTERWORLD) JUN 26, 2006 – “Finding good employees and managers was the most difficult,” says Jonathan Funkhouser, who is general manager of Hankscraft’s China operations. Read More →
Language Barriers
(COMPUTERWORLD) JUN 26, 2006 – Although all Chinese nationals officially speak Mandarin, in practice, the local dialects can be mutually unintelligible.Read More →
Back to the Future: Chinese campaigns are a surprising mix of old and new techniques
CMO Magazine January 2006 Back to the Future: Chinese campaigns are a surprising mix of old and new techniques By Maria Trombly and Bill Marcus, Shanghai Jim Murphy learned about marketing to Chinese customers in bars. When he first came to China in December of 2004, he didn’t think that consumersRead More →
A terrible threat from the north
The Albany Times-Union November 25, 2005 A terrible threat from the north By BILL MARCUS SHANGHAI — It was so nice to wake up the other morning and hear the head of the government take full responsibility for the results of an investigation into a scandal that has rocked the nation,Read More →
Trends: Chinese Legal System Hinders IP Protection Efforts
(CIO INSIGHT) Oct 24, 2005 – It’s not just the intellectual-property pirates that make doing business in China difficult. The legal system makes pursuing pirates and getting indictments—let alone convictions—a struggle.Read More →
Cost for Windows falls—to 50 cents—in China
(CIO INSIGHT) Oct 20th 2005 – Feeble government actions not stemming piracy tide, business groups report. U.S. companies doing business in China face potential copyright infringement issues.Read More →
Jewish Affinity
The Shanghai Daily Shanghai, China Jewish Affinity April 22, 2005 By Bill Marcus My mother had the perfect antidote to unhappiness: Chinese food. Nary a funeral nor a bad day could come between her and Hunan Manor, Tung Sing, Szechuan Palace or any of the seemingly hundreds of Chinese eateriesRead More →
Crossing the Educational Divide
The Oriental Morning Post Shanghai, China July 30, 2004 Crossing the Educational Divide By Bill Marcus As most experts increasingly believe that language and culture and connected, educators and language students are beginning to question the value of segregated language education in a society that is becoming increasingly desegregated, changingRead More →
What, they want to retire here?
THE STRAITS TIMES, JUNE 13, 2004 Chinese officials are surprised that some foreigners want to stay in the country…Mr Bill Marcus, a 44-year-old New Yorker teaching English in Shanghai’s Fudan University, said: ‘My Chinese language skills are not up to par here yet.’Read More →
The Other Side of War
The Oriental Morning Post Shanghai, China A friend’s mother from Holland and a local woman in Laos embrace. By Bill Marcus The Vietnam-era White House never fully debated the policy credited with the Vietnam War, or the bombing of Vietnam’s neighbor Laos. Between 1964 and 1973, American flyers dropped overRead More →