If I were Mr. Party head in the province who provoked this mess I’d clear out my desk and make up two envelopes for my successor. One which is numbered 1 and inside has a piece of paper that says “blame me” and the other numbered 2 with a piece of paper inside that says “make up two envelopes.”Read More →

THE TIMES-UNION, FEB 18, 2014 – In the fight over a proposal to keep Quebec’s civil servants from wearing outsized yarmulkes, crucifixes, hajibs and turbans, public hearings are shining a light on the true fears of the French up North: zombies.Read More →

(YONGPYEONG ISLAND, SOUTH KOREA) OCTOBER 23, 2010 – North Korea sends 170 artillery missiles across its maritime border killing four South Koreans.Read More →

GLOBAL TIMES, APRIL 1, 2010 “The duty is just to be white,” said Bill Marcus, suburban New Yorker. He was hired by a Hong Kong architectural design firm Cotik as “business development director” for a day in Shanghai. Read More →

FOX NEWS RADIO, DEC 14, 2009 – China’s president Hu Jintao and three Central Asian leaders opened a new natural gas line on Monday that will eventually import 40 billion cubic meters of gas to China each year. Fox News Radio’s Bill Marcus has more from Shanghai.Read More →