More Information
In the case of the Wenzhou Church, CNN Thursday connects a change in government rhetoric to an investigation of five government officialsRead More →
Reporting on Wenzhou (from Beijing, London, etc.)
Monday, the LA Times joined the Washington Post and The New York Times with its story.Read More →
Church destroyed
The practical application of the negotiated settlement between local officials and local Christians in Wenzhou started being enforced today in China. Read More →
The gold rush begins in a couple of hours!
In a few hours, the floodgates will open on the next big thing: the rush to create a domain name in Chinese. Read More →
Did I read this whole thing wrong?
Duped. I let down my guard and my prejudices about the Communist government of China flowed through. Boy, do I feel like an idiot. Read More →
Of Note
Two interesting articles on the struggle over what folks think in China. Or, rather, what they say about what they think.Read More →
The Painted Veil
Bill Marcus played an American businessman in the 2006 romantic drama The Painted Veil, starring Naomi Watts, Edward Norton and Liev Schreiber.Read More →
Symbols and Windmills
A local official thinks the cross on top of a new huge church is too big and that Christianity is spreading too fast. So, of course, tearing down the cross will solve everything.Read More →
Wenzhou: The End May Be Near
Wrecking crews are said to have showed up at the church in Wenzhou as state media in Beijing continues to be the only outlet covering this story.Read More →
Christianity with Chinese Characteristics
A “Christian Boss” in Wenzhou, who would rather do business with his own…business and religion are complementary.Read More →
Quote of the day: We understand that crosses are a symbol of Christian belief so we are negotiating.
China state media continues to be the only media providing coverage of the standoff between church goers in Wenzhou and officials who want to demolish their church. The Beijing-based Global Times offering this feature yesterday.Read More →
A good time to buy Russia
I know I seem like a shill for The Telegraph but their Ambrose Evans-Pritchard lays out a case for economic eclipse in Russia as a result of Western sanctions that I don’t read in my U.S. papers. Worth a look if you’ve only been monitoring the Ukranian crisis through a political lens.Read More →
Demolition shemolition
The Wenzhou story continues to simmer. On Thursday, state media in the form of the Beijing-based Global Times weighed in with an official denial. Read More →
More famous than Jesus?
John Lennon once said he was more famous than Jesus. Now, Catholic Online, out of Los Angeles is reporting that among Weibo users in China Jesus is trending better than Mao.Read More →
“They Control”
A friend who spent time evangelizing in China during the last decade recalls a meeting with a 90+ year-old survivor of the Cultural Revolution, a devout Catholic. Asked about religion today, the old man, in excellent English would only say “they control….they control.”Read More →
Christians 0 Lions 0
Situation in China: still fluid, according to Christian Broadcasting Network.Read More →
Wenzhou’s Masada?
My teaching assistant in the first class I took when I returned to graduate school in the mid-90s, a Chinese woman still grieving her late dad, told me at the time she hoped religion in America would help her. In the end, it didn’t.Read More →