While working as a lobbyist for the New York City Board of Education from 1986-1988, Bill Marcus shepherded into law an act that converted the dormant school savings accounts of depression-era school children into a three-quarter million dollar college scholarship program for disadvantaged youth.Read More →

GLOBAL TIMES, APRIL 1, 2010 “The duty is just to be white,” said Bill Marcus, suburban New Yorker. He was hired by a Hong Kong architectural design firm Cotik as “business development director” for a day in Shanghai. Read More →

The spokeswoman attempted to escape the testy exchange by insisting that others would like to ask questions, but an American reporter came to Mr. Thomson’s defense. “I would have liked to hear the answer to that question, and I would have liked to have heard the answer to my question,” a freelance reporter for Fox News Radio, William Marcus, shouted.Read More →

THE NEW YORK TIMES, AUG 14, 2008 After some fairly standard questions on drug tests, Bill Marcus of Fox Radio News started to read out a series of cases of Chinese citizens who had gone to the police to apply for permits to protest at one of three sites set up for the purpose during the Games and been arrested or harassed. Read More →

THE STRAITS TIMES, JUNE 13, 2004 Chinese officials are surprised that some foreigners want to stay in the country…Mr Bill Marcus, a 44-year-old New Yorker teaching English in Shanghai’s Fudan University, said: ‘My Chinese language skills are not up to par here yet.’Read More →