(SHANGHAI) JUNE, 2013 – “Funny in a way… If you have a dark sense of humor like me.”   Curtis – who had made himself unreachable by phone – was starting up another conversation by email.  Even in person sometimes he wasn’t there.   This time it was about theRead More →

NBC chose to ignore both the story about the first out-Olympian, an Australian diver, and his partner who was in the stands. This, after making a big deal about heterosexual news among the athletes. I got the story from Yahoo and wrote and voiced it for FOX which was more than happy to take it. My first line: NBC PAID 900 MILLION FOR THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO BROADCAST THE BEIJING OLYMPICS BUT THEY COULDN’T AFFORD ONE SECOND FOR TOLERANCE.Read More →

Suffolk County district attorney addresses Black Law Students Association Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins answered questions about her recent policy reform memo but also offered words of advice to those gathered for Suffolk University Law School’s annual Black Law Students Association alumni banquet. Faculty, alumni, and students appeared toRead More →

Margaret Marshall describes her journey from South African activist to influential Massachusetts jurist (BOSTON) APRIL 10 – “Start small,” said the South African-born “unpolitical daughter of unpolitical parents,” focusing on a group of Bronx high school students, one of whom had just asked her about how to start changing theRead More →

While working as a lobbyist for the New York City Board of Education from 1986-1988, Bill Marcus shepherded into law an act that converted the dormant school savings accounts of depression-era school children into a three-quarter million dollar college scholarship program for disadvantaged youth.Read More →