Situation in China: still fluid, according to Christian Broadcasting Network. For the record, the correct pronunciation of the city of “Wenzhou” can be found here. Points to the CBN anchor and video producer for their efforts. It is difficult to pronounce many of the Chinese city names even for me after 20 years of exposure to the language.
More, from the Telegraph…..
Officials in eastern China must abandon plans to demolish churches and crosses and stop their “gross interference” in the lives of worshipers, say Christian leaders and churchgoers
Christians in eastern China are calling on Communist Party leaders to abandon what they say is an “ill-conceived” and invasive campaign to tear down local churches.
At least 10 places of worship in Zhejiang province are currently threatened with demolition or having crosses that were deemed too prominent removed from their roofs, religious activists say.
The exact cause of the alleged demolition campaign is unclear. However, opponents believe it is part of a deliberate attack on the region’s Protestant church by senior members of Zhejiang’s officially atheist Communist Party. Senior officials are said to object to the Church’s growing visibility in what is often described as China’s most Christian region.
A petition circulating among religious leaders this week accused officials of “gross interference” in religious freedoms.
“We call on to the Zhejiang government to immediately terminate its “Cross and Church Demolition” campaign,” it says. Read more.