Hong Kong authorities have tracked down all but 50 of the residents of the Metropark Hotel in the va-va-va-voom Wan Chai distict and given the other 280 Tamiflu. They found the cabbies and the passengers who rode the plane with the Mexican — Asia’s first confirmed H1N1 patient, reported to be in stable condition — from Shanghai to Hong Kong.  But no word on whether Shanghai officials have located the folks who flew with the guy from Mexico to China.

Hotel guests will have to be quarantined for the next six days. A lousy vacation, but they can spend it in an isolation camp in Hong Kong’s lush New Territories. About a dozen have already gone there. Meanwhile, back at the Metropark,  out in the back alley, a couple of Chinese guests smoked, but declined my invitation to chat.

Around in the front of the building local reporters on a stake out on the sidewalk taped papers with their cell numbers outside the lobby’s glass. They are hoping guests will call so they can get a scoop. Hotel staff responded by drawing the curtains.