We’ve taken to speaking their language among ourselves. We call our cell phones shoji, our troubles mafan, our streets lu.Read More →
Podcast: Internet of Things
(FRED ALGER) Bill Marcus and Dana Blouin discuss how the Internet of Things will change the lives of millions in the next 10 years.Read More →
Technology Podcast: Energy
Bill Marcus sits down with futurist Brian Wang to discuss technological disruption and its effects on the fields of energy, climate change and poverty.Read More →
Technology Podcast: Financial Technology
Bill Marcus speaks with Michael Kitces about financial services that are primed for disruption.Read More →
Boston Marathon Bombing trials
Bill Marcus covered the Boston Marathon Bombing trials for Fox News Radio and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Read More →
The Painted Veil
Bill Marcus played an American businessman in the 2006 romantic drama The Painted Veil, starring Naomi Watts, Edward Norton and Liev Schreiber.Read More →
Japan Tsunami
Bill Marcus covered the 2011 Japanese tsunami, the 2010 Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, and the 2008 Beijing Olympics.Read More →
Let the Party Begin
One of the many graphics from a book of post cards depicting Cultural Revolution art from the 1960s and 1970s. This one depicts Proletarian hero Li Yu He, Shanghai 1970 (Courtesy of Madam Mao’s Dowry, 207 Fumin Rd., Shanghai.)Read More →
At the Forbidden City
(SHANGHAI) JUNE, 2013 – “Funny in a way… If you have a dark sense of humor like me.” Curtis – who had made himself unreachable by phone – was starting up another conversation by email. Even in person sometimes he wasn’t there. This time it was about theRead More →
Having it China’s way
Placards and posters told consumers that they have a right, one of many listed on a translated bill of rights, to have things “their way” and to stand up and fight for that right if they don’t get it.Read More →
So, what was it like to cover the Beijing Olympics?
NBC chose to ignore both the story about the first out-Olympian, an Australian diver, and his partner who was in the stands. This, after making a big deal about heterosexual news among the athletes. I got the story from Yahoo and wrote and voiced it for FOX which was more than happy to take it. My first line: NBC PAID 900 MILLION FOR THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO BROADCAST THE BEIJING OLYMPICS BUT THEY COULDN’T AFFORD ONE SECOND FOR TOLERANCE.Read More →
How 4 organizations are breaking down data silos
Siloed data continues to inhibit enterprise efficiency. Here, IT professionals discuss problems their organizations are facing around data silos — and how they’re solving them.Read More →
Rachael Rollins: Know Your Worth and Learn from Mistakes
Suffolk County district attorney addresses Black Law Students Association Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins answered questions about her recent policy reform memo but also offered words of advice to those gathered for Suffolk University Law School’s annual Black Law Students Association alumni banquet. Faculty, alumni, and students appeared toRead More →
To Change the World, ‘Start Small’
Margaret Marshall describes her journey from South African activist to influential Massachusetts jurist (BOSTON) APRIL 10 – “Start small,” said the South African-born “unpolitical daughter of unpolitical parents,” focusing on a group of Bronx high school students, one of whom had just asked her about how to start changing theRead More →
Three Towns North of Boston Rocked by Explosions
(CBC) September 13, 14 – Some 70 fires in Andover, North Andover and Lawrence, Massachusetts claim one life and hospitalize a dozen more.Read More →
Prosecutor accused of keeping evidence from lawyers for Cavan nanny who was accused of murder
NORTHERN SOUND RADIO (AUG 16) – The case of a Cavan woman who was jailed in the US for two and a half years has become part of the campaign of a candidate hoping to become the District Attorney of a County in Massachusetts.Read More →
New U.S. Scratch & Sniff Postage Not A Big Hit in Salem, MA
(SALEM, MA) June 20 – It was tough to find someone who really liked them. Read More →
Salisbury Sea Food Seller: Tariff Won’t Impact Lobster Prices
(SALISBURY, MA) June 16 – Canadian resellers will probably absorb the surplus, says Gordon Blaney, owner of David’s Fish Market.Read More →
Charlestown Celebrates Battle of Bunker Hill With a Parade
(CHARLESTOWN) June 10 – Charlestown celebrated the losing battle of Bunker Hill (which American history books have turned into a win) with a parade today. Read More →
Students gone! Year-round residents of Boston Rejoice (most do)
(BROOKLINE) May 21 – Graduations have come and gone, and soon, too, will the quarter-million students who make the region their home each academic year.Read More →
Praying for the Celtics…or simply not worried
(BOSTON) May 21 – Celtics fans have faith that their team will overcome tonight in Cleveland at game four of the best of seven NBA Eastern Conference Finals.Read More →
English High Student Testifies Former Dean Shot Him Over Pot Deal
(BOSTON) May 18 – The former student told a Suffolk Superior courtroom Friday that the dean gave him marijuana to sell, and tried to kill him when he didn’t sell enough of it.Read More →
JFK Map Up For Auction
(BOSTON) April, 2018 – US President John F. Kennedy’s personal map of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 is up for auction.Read More →
Bill Marcus personal background
While working as a lobbyist for the New York City Board of Education from 1986-1988, Bill Marcus shepherded into law an act that converted the dormant school savings accounts of depression-era school children into a three-quarter million dollar college scholarship program for disadvantaged youth.Read More →
Monster Storm Batters Northeast
(BOSTON) CBC – Thousands of flights cancelled, hundreds of thousands are without power. Read More →
Diary of the recovery effort
When the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami struck I was in Shanghai, China. Now, more than a decade later, the shock still lingers. Read More →
What to Look For When Choosing a Payment Processor
(Signifyd Blog) February 21 – Not all processors are the same. So, how to choose? We turned to the experts to come up with some general guidelines for those wading into the processor search.Read More →